The Health Sciences Technology Park keeps you connected, wherever you are.
We are much more than what you see, and we can offer you numerous services, even though your company or institution is not located in Granada.
We form part of Granada Health, a network of resources for the development of the health sector that is available to any company, researcher, entrepreneur or private citizen. Through Granada Health, you have access to the research and the talent of the University of Granada; the training programmes of the Andalusian School of Public Health (EASP) and of the IAVANTE Foundation; the specialised equipment of the Pfizer Genetics and Oncology Centre (GENYO); the Scientific Instrumentation Centre and the López Neyra Institute of the CSIC; the samples and clinical data of the Biobank of the Andalusian Public Health System; the Animal Facility; the funding and management support programmes of the Granada Chamber Commerce and the Young Entrepreneurs’ Association; and public funding through the IDEA Agency, among other advantages.